Bob Curry Week 3: Time To Sing!

It was the last Tuesday of the month (and Halloween)! So that meant it was not only a BC 10 night but also my monthly BIPOC Variety Comedy Series! Before heading to class I had to make sure everything was good to go with my Scary Skele-bration show. We sold out the theater seating and had to add some extra chairs! Once we finished the set up and tech, my performers were all warmed up and ready to go on stage, and my producing partner and I opened the show, I was off to The Second City for class. I am so thankful to have a producing partner who has my back. So if I ever have to leave a show early (like for my dream of being a Bob Curry Fellow) my partner is there! One of the things I am learning in this industry is the importance of finding your people. People with the same goals, intentions, and drive. I am very blessed to have some amazing people around me who care and support me. To see the teamwork in action check out our Holiday Comedy Spectacular show next month!

Tuesday’s session was all things voice and you all know that singing is my thang! Amanda Murphy, the Music Director of The Second City Training Center, spoke with us about using our voice. It was a very informational class where we learned techniques to ensure our vocal ability on stage and resonating the sound. We also did some great warm ups. My all-time-favorite is the voice sirens where you start from your lowest note and bring it all the way up to your hight note and go back down. As a belter, I still have trouble switching from my chest to my head voice. Amanda gave me some good excercises to do to help build this skill. I also learned that when I use my chest voice I am actually using different parts of my throat and larynx compared to when I am in my head voice. I have definitely been putting this to the test the way Amanda told us we could check. If you are singing with your larynx (voice box) you can’t sing and tilt your neck back, but if you are singing from your chest (belting) you can move your neck back and it doesn’t cut off the sound. I have never been classically trained and all my signing knowledge comes from being in choir all throughout grade school and undergrad. I have always sang in musicals, recitals, the church praise and worship team, and my time in Asia (shout out to the South Korea Nationwide Singing Competition!).  So it has been on my bucket list to take a voice lesson and now I can check that off the list! But if anything the workshop inspired me to start working with a voice coach because I really want to learn how to do whistle notes like Mariah Carey! So hook a girl up if you know any good voice teachers. It would be a dream to have a coach who is also a person of color and has experience singing gospel and blues like moi! 

After class we caught the 3rd act from the Main Stage cast and got the VIP treatment aka we were allowed to sit on the famous bench! The 3rd Act is the all improvised portion at the end of a Second City show and is like a master class in improv. The actors show off their years of improvising in fun and dynamic short and long form improv games. This night they played the short form game Sex With Me and did a longer scene with tag outs.

I want to savor these moments forever. My dreams are really coming true. Until next time!



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